
Events in February 2025

  • There are no events scheduled during these dates.


What is social dance “Vecherinka”?

“Vecherinka” translates to “late night” in the Bulgarian language. It is our time to enjoy dance, friends, food, music and party! Back in the old days, the “Vecherinka” would take place monthly to allow folks from various communities to get together to socialize. This is typical for not just Bulgarian culture, but pretty much all surrounding Balkan countries as well.




Our partner organizations

We are thrilled to collaborate with sister organizations in the Washington, D.C. area to continue
fostering the spirit of the Bulgarian folk culture. We invite you to check out their events and happenings!

Example organization name #1
Example organization name #2
Example organization name #3



We meet Mondays and Wednesdays for group dance practice from 7 – 9 PM (EST) on the 2nd floor of the John Wesley African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church located on 14th and Corcoran Street in Washington, D.C.


Contact us

Find us on social media, drop-in for a group class or send us an email.